Friday, January 4, 2013

Featured ingredient: Bacon

Featured Ingredient: BACON

One of my colleagues first gained my respect when I learned she was a vegetarian except for bacon. Bacon is a wonderful food notwithstanding it's bad reputation as a healthy choice. In the South, it's a staple.

Here are three very different recipes which each proudly list bacon in the ingredients. I love each of these!

Maple Bacon Cupcakes

french toast bacon cupcake 4 450x340 Valentines Day Gift Ideas for Boyfriends: Bacon Cupcakes

There are a lot of variations of the recipe on the internet. Here are three I would recommend. Or try a combination of the three.

Foodnetwork - Maple french toast bacon cupcakes -Maple bacon cupcakes - French toast and bacon cupcakes

Lislestyle: I want my cupcakes to not only taste delicious, but look beautiful. This means not any bacon will do. I suggest buying the precooked bacon to make sure it's crisp and beautiful or baking it in the oven on a cookie sheet.

Peanut Butter, Bacon, Banana Sandwich

This sandwich is on the menu of a local restaurant, Parker & Otis. When I saw it served on my friend's plate, I was drooling. Peanut butter was melting over the edge of the toasted bread. I've since made this at home and love it!

Lislestyle: I prefer peanut butter and bacon or peanut butter and banana. All three together has too many flavors, something is lost.

Brussel Sprouts

This is one of my favorite recipes and something I cook several times a month at least. I know some of you turn your nose up at hearing the word brussel sprouts and many of you haven't ever tasted one. This recipe is for the skeptics of brussel sprouts and for those who have only had them steamed and soggy.

It's from Rachel Ray!
Brussels Sprouts with bacon

Lislestyle: I like to pair it with a meat and another veggie or salad.

What is your favorite way to use bacon?


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